About Mr. Spafford


John M. Spafford is a certified elementary school teacher. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Adult Education and Training and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and Sociology. He has taught at all levels of education from elementary to university. Mr. Spafford has developed lessons and curriculum material for the education and continuing professional development necessary for certification of Adult Educators in the state of Indiana.

Growing up, Mr. Spafford lived in several parts of the United States, including the American Southwest, the Deep South, Mid-West, and Atlantic Seaboard. A decorated career non-commissioned officer in the United States Air Force, Mr. Spafford has lived, worked, and traveled world-wide, including Central Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and Central America.

Mr. Spafford is a former journalist, photographer, and managing editor, with numerous publications to his credit. He is a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and has been recognized for his work in promoting diversity and inclusion. He is the media director for Playing for Change, Indianapolis, Indiana. He is also an award-winning multiple best-selling author, master magician, and professional singer-songwriter.


Serving learners of all ages.